Practicum Assistant Registration Information Phase 2

Due to the fact that there are still some practicum courses that require assistants, the Geography Faculty Laboratory will open registration for phase 2 practicum assistants. Registration will be open from 6 – 9 March 2017.

Registration requirement
General requirements for registration include:
1. Active students of the Faculty of Geography UMS min semester 3
2. Have taken the courses that will be assisted and obtained a minimum grade of B
3. Well-behaved, polite, and neat
4. Able to read the Koran

Special Terms
1. GIS courses must be able to operate Quantum GIS software, and Arc GIS
2. Soil surveying subject can operate theodolite/waterpass/total station
3. Geohydrology course can operate geoelectricity and GPS
4. Surface water courses can operate a current meter
5. Mapping survey courses can operate survey tools
6. PJ and Photogrammetry courses can operate Stereoscope
7. Water quality courses can recognize and operate the DHL meter, PH meter, etc.
8. Digital Image Processing course can operate ErMapper/ENVI software
9. Social parameter courses can operate statistical software
10. Thematic cartography courses must be able to operate office (exel) and GIS
11. Soil science courses must be able to read munsel books, and soil analysis tools

Registration is done online via the following link (Assistant Registration Stage 2)