The Faculty of Geography at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS) conducted a field study activity in the Malang area from February 2nd to 4th. This activity was attended by faculty members and educational staff of the Faculty of Geography UMS to provide field knowledge related to geographical phenomena.
Human resource development is an essential aspect in creating a logical and comprehensive framework related to environmental development, where individuals are encouraged to continuously learn and grow. One effort in human resource development is through education or direct learning in the field, as carried out in this field study activity.
According to data processing and analysis results, the field study activity has significant benefits in enhancing faculty competence. Faculty members gain new or updated information, are able to directly observe field phenomena, and experience an increase in experience that enables them to compare theories presented in class with real-world situations.
In this field study, faculty members of the Faculty of Geography UMS explored various aspects of geography, including physical aspects such as geomorphology, geology, landforms, and soil, as well as social, economic, and cultural aspects. They were guided by nationally recognized experts from Brawijaya University in Malang, namely Adipandang Yudhono, Ph.D.
The impact of this activity is highly positive, as it not only enhances the field knowledge of faculty members but also increases the potential for academic publications. Each faculty member is required to write an article based on their field experiences, which will later be published in a collection of articles. This is expected to make a tangible contribution to the dissemination of geographical knowledge and the broader development of science. (*)