Learning Media Audit, 80 Percent According to LJM Standard

In the Quality Assurance Group Meeting (GJM) which was held on Tuesday (15/06), it was seen that the results of the learning media used at the Faculty of Geography were good. With a percentage of 80 percent of the courses already meet the standards made by the Quality Assurance Institute (LJM). This is as conveyed by the Coordinator of GJM, Faculty of Geography, Dra. Alif Noor Anna, MSi. LJM makes rules for learning media during online lectures by paying attention to at least 3 of the following 4 provisions: Using PPT PPT narration (PPT explanation video) Discussion Guide Minimum module 1 Subjects that do not meet the standard of learning media are Oceanography (Drs. Munawar Cholil, MSi), Thematic Cartography (Agus Anggoro Sigit, S.Si., M.Sc), Soil Erosion and Conservation (Ir. Taryono, MSi), Energy Geography Work and Population Mobility (Drs. Dahroni, MSi), and Land Use Planning (Ir. Taryono, MSi). With this learning media audit, it is hoped that all lecturers can improve their ability to use IT technology. If there are lecturers who have difficulty collaborating with others.