After going through various tests, last Monday (8/11), the faculty leadership announced the students who were elected as Mawapres of the Faculty of Geography in 2021. Later, the Mawapres will represent the faculty in the University-level Student Achievement Selection event (PILMAPRES) in 2022.
The following is a list of PILMAPRES winners:
Juara | Nama | NIM | Nilai Akhir | Judul KTI |
1 | Dicky Heru Saputra | E100190270 | 78.66 | Tingkat Kerentanan Banjir di Kabupaten Blitar Jawa Timur Menggunakan TWI |
2 | Siti Nur Aisah | E100190239 | 75.33 | Analisa Kadar Fosfat (P-PO4) pada Air Tanah di Desa Gonilan dengan Metode Asam Askorbat |
3 | Indriyanti Feronika | E100190154 | 74.66 | Analisis Tingkat Kerawanan Banjir Genangan Menggunakan Topographic Wetness Index di Wilayah DAS Cikarang Kabupaten Sukabumi |
4 | Nissa Afillia Ade Wiyanto | E100190024 | 74.33 | Analisis Kandungan Bahan Organik Tanah di Desa Wonorejo Kecamatan Gondangrejo |
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